Celebrating Movember at Work
Celebrating Movember at work is about more than laughing at your colleagues' underwhelming pencil ‘tash. It’s an incredible initiative which helps raise awareness and funding for issues affecting men's health, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide. It's also why we’ve created our iconic Movember Moustache Cookies, to make a donation from every 'tash sold to The Movember Foundation.
Whether your workpalce is office-based, remote or hybrid, we’ve got some great ideas to bring your team together for this fantastic cause. Let’s face it, we could all do with something to brighten up this time of year, and if that’s watching Mike in accounting try to grow a Selleck in under a month – we’ll take it.
The Mo-off
If you’ve been itching to see yourself as Freddie Mercury, now is the time. Host a competition in the office for who can grow the biggest, bushiest or most creative moustache within a month. Place bets on who will win and use the jackpot as a donation. Keep the excitement building over the month with weekly mo-ins and watch the competition hot-up. If growing a ‘tash isn’t an option, you could leave your legs for a month – but then again with summer now a distant memory, haven’t we all already?
Virtual shave down
There was once a time when moustaches were reserved for 80s Dads. But, as anyone in East London knows, the last few years have seen the popularity of these lip-warmers soared. If you’ve got one or two great moustaches or beards in the office, why not see if their owners would be willing to shave for charity? Ask your team to donate and host a video call for the live shave-off. You could combine this with your work social or host it as a special event. If you’re lacking facial follicles and feeling brave you could shave your hair or go for a major chop instead.
Virtual trivia night
If growing or shaving hair seems a little intense for you, try hosting a virtual quiz or trivia night? Ask attendees to ‘pay what you can’ as a ticket and use these as a donation. Make sure you do a special picture round of guess the celebrity moustache and don’t forget to order your Movember cookies – what’s a quiz without snacks? If trivia isn’t your thing, why not take inspiration from a famous moustache. Host a virtual karaoke night (Queen tributes mandatory) or put your detective skills to the test as Poirot at a virtual murder mystery party.
Movember postal cookies
Whether you’re hosting one of the above events, or want to send your team a Movember themed surprise in the post, our customisable Movember Cookies are bound to bring a smile. Give your team the gift of mo’ in your brand colours for a bespoke touch. Just make sure everyone takes a picture modelling their tashes before eating them, to share on your company socials!
As we do every year, we'll be making a donation from every sale of our Movember cookies to The Movember Foundation.